About Us

About the Institute of Data

All organisations, roles and job functions are being impacted by information technology, at a faster pace and in more disruptive ways than ever before. Data is emerging from these changes as a new type of asset or resource, that is required to achieve organisational goals, for corporate survival and competitive advantage. Every company and government needs access to data for advanced analytical decision-making, while at the same time addressing privacy and security related to its customers or citizens. This was apparent in the pre-COVID-19 world, however COVID-19 saw a step change in the generation and use of data and in the need to seize this trend.


Professionals, companies and governments need to adapt to changing job requirements by developing coherent plans that address capability gaps. This is critical in order to ensure the future success of individual careers, companies and governments. Professionals now more than ever, require a focus on lifetime learning and a commitment to re-training for the industries of the future.

The Institute of Data transforms careers and companies for a data-driven world. We focus on accelerated workforce training for the industries of the future, namely cyber security, big data, artificial intelligence and the digital economy. We train professionals to build careers in these industries through our professional education programmes and industry partners. We help businesses and governments build their workforce of the future with innovative training and talent solutions.

United Kingdom Offices

Northern Ireland

Institute of Data Ltd

4th Floor Glendinning House

6 Murray Street, Belfast

Northern Ireland, BT1 6DN


123 Buckingham Palace Rd,

London SW1W 9SH

123 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9SH

4th Floor Glendinning House
6 Murray Street, Belfast
Northern Ireland, BT1 6DN

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