From Software Engineering to Data Science in 6 Months: Supriya’s Successful Career Transition

From Software Engineering to Data Science in 6 Months, Read How Supriya Maradana Made a Successful Career Transition

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Software engineer Supriya Maradana felt a strong need to return to the workforce after a short break from her career.

Seeing the rapid growth in her industry, she realised her technical skills were quickly becoming outdated and saw the need to upskill. Working with data appealed to her immensely, so she chose the Institute of Data to help her transition from software engineering to data science.

By undertaking the Institute of Data’s 6-month Data Science & AI Part-time Program and earning her Data Science Certification, Supriya was able to successfully upgrade her skills and enter a new industry.

Through her hard work, determination, and ongoing support from our career coaching and training team, Supriya now works for Infosys as a Graduate Data Analyst, progressing in her career and achieving her desired outcomes.

Read about her learning journey and career transition with us here:

Hi Supriya, can you describe your career experience before making the change to data science? 

I completed my Masters of Computer Applications, then I worked as a Software Test Analyst for 3 years.

I had to stop my career to look after my family.

When I felt ready to re-enter the job market, I heard and found out about Data Science. It sounded like the best option for me to upskill and re-start my information technology (IT) career.

Were there any particular skills you’ve learnt that helped you transition from software engineering to data science?

Because I studied computer science and had experience as a Software Test Analyst I had some knowledge in writing programming and critical thinking.

This knowledge helped me in the transition into data science.

What were your career goals before upskilling into data science? Has your outlook changed now that you’re in the industry?  

Before upskilling in data science, I was searching to restart my career.

I faced a barrier in how to re-enter the job market.

I looked into my options and came across Data Science. I liked it and decided this was the pathway and outlook I wanted for my career.

Why did you choose to join the Part-Time Program in particular? What appealed to you?

[su_quote]The part-time program allowed me to manage my studies and look after my baby.[/su_quote]

I was a new mother when I started my studies. That is why I chose the part-time course.

Can you tell us about your capstone project? How did you come up with your topic?

My capstone project was based on a ‘Credit Risk Analysis Model’ for Financial Institutions.

My husband works within the banking industry, and I always hear words such as credit, default, and credit score.

I was interested in knowing what all these words mean and how banks are operating.

I decided to base my project around this area, with the hopes of it being helpful to some financial institutions wanting to find defaulters before providing a new loan.

Interesting. How did you find the process of completing your final capstone project during the program? 

My trainer Ahmed and assistant trainer Luiz helped me to complete my final capstone project during the program.

They encouraged me to start my capstone project as early as possible, so I have time to select the topic, gather information, and extract the necessary data.

Every week, we had a review of my capstone project, and I updated them on my progress.

I stuck with each and every step of the process, and my trainers were always very helpful – providing lots of support to solve my problems whenever I needed it.

Are there any tips you would give someone preparing to present their capstone project during the program?

[su_quote]The capstone project is so important for every student.[/su_quote]

The topic must be relatable to you, and you should actually be interested in it.

The trainers suggested we start as early as possible. This way, you have the time to choose the topic you like, research it, gain knowledge about it, and find relevant data.

You should also practice your presentation as many times as possible to give yourself a confidence boost.

You’re now working with Infosys – Congratulations! How did you get a job in the industry after completing your training and what guidance would you give someone applying for jobs after upskilling?

Thank you. Before I joined Infosys, I didn’t have experience working with data. That’s the reason why I was searching for jobs that are around the graduate level, entry-level and junior level. Finally, I landed a job with Infosys. I am working as an entry-level Data Analyst.

If anyone already has experience in the Data field, this upskilling program would be a good addition to your profile. It’ll definitely place you in a good position.

Are you still using your previous skillset in your current role, or only the new skills you have learnt, or both?

Yes, I am using my previous skills like SQL.

PL/SQL is important for any field.

I am using my new skills like Python, data modelling, and dashboards in my role at Infosys.

How do you compare your career situation to 6-12 months ago? 

[su_quote]I believe career growth in the data science industry is very high nowadays, and I believe my decision to choose this industry is a great step in my career.[/su_quote]

Do you have any advice for professionals making a career change into data science?

If they decide to make a career change into the data field, they will have a bright future.

Finally, how has the program changed your perspective on what is required to be a modern data professional?

I believe, critical thinking and asking good questions are the most important elements to becoming a modern data professional. Studying the data in any format and understanding the data is also very important. Understanding the business requirements is needed too.

If you are interested in upskilling and transitioning your career to Data Science, consider downloading a data science course outline to learn more about the Institute of Data’s Data Science Program.

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your options regarding the program with a member of our team, you can schedule a consultation with a Data Industry Career Consultant today.

Connect with Supriya on LinkedIn here.


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